“Kollo” – a summer camp for children and youths

At a Kollo summer camp, children and youths get to go out into nature, play and make new friends from all over Stockholm.

They stay at summer camps or on boats together with adult, trained guides who make sure that the children have a good time, coming up with fun activities to do. Kollo is a tradition that has existed for over a hundred years in the city of Stockholm.

All children who live in and are registered in the city of Stockholm who attend school classes 1–9 can apply to go to Kollo. There are many Kollo camps to choose between. At every camp, there are opportunities for swimming, hiking, sports, games and play. Some Kollo camps also have special focuses, such as theatre, filmmaking, sailing or animals. Whichever camp your child goes to, experienced and skilled adult guides will create a safe and stimulating environment for all children in the group.

Help your child choose a camp

In order for your child to have a successful stay at summer camp, it is important that you help them choose a Kollo camp. As parent or guardian, you know your child best, and you know what he or she enjoys and needs. Before choosing a camp, it is a good idea to think about the age group that fits your child, whether your child is happier in a large or small group, and how long your child can manage being away from home.
You can read about these summer camps in the Kollo catalogue (in Swedish) and on the page Find a summer camp (Hitta kollo) 

Kollo summer camp applications

Applications for Kollo summer camp can be submitted during the spring. There are several ways to apply; the simplest is to use our e-service. To apply using the e-service, you must be a parent or guardian and have electronic identification. If you are not able to use the e-service, there is an application form available in Swedish and English that you can fill in, print and post to the contact centre. The citizens advice bureau (Medborgarkontor) can also help you fill in the application. 

Frequently asked questions about summer camp

Here are the answers to some of the most common questions people have about Kollo summer camps.

Each year, thousands of children apply for Kollo summer camp via Stockholms stad, and it is unfortunately not possible to guarantee that every child will get a placement. Places are allocated so that every group receives an even distribution according to sex, age, and number of children per city district.

It is much harder to get a Kollo placement at the beginning or end of the summer, because many want to go at those times. To increase your chances of receiving a placement, we recommend that you apply to several different camps and for several different periods. Of you only apply for one period at a single Kollo camp, your chances of being allocated a placement will be lower. 

Each Kollo camp is different. At some, two to eight children share a room; on the boats, they may sleep together below deck; and at other camps, they stay in tents. For more information, see the Kollo catalogue on the website.

There is always a guide that the children can turn to if they feel homesick, get ill or have any questions. During the nighttime, guides stay in the same building or in close proximity to where the children sleep. Both the children and guides help with practical work at the camp, such as cooking and cleaning. 

Kollo is an adventure, giving young ones the opportunity to quickly and easily get to know safe adults and make new friends. If they want to go together with siblings or friends, we will try to accommodate the groups and summer camp periods accordingly. But there is no guarantee that your child will get to go with a sibling or friend. It is fine for parents or guardians to specify their wishes in the application.

Prices for Kollo vary greatly depending on income. For households on the lowest income bracket, it is free. Households with a high income pay more. If several children from the same household go to Kollo, the per-child fee will be lower. 

Visit Avgifter för kollo (in Swedish) to see what the fee will be for your household.

All Kollo summer camps have skilled and trained adult guides who have experience in working with children and youths. When playing close to water, all children who are not able to swim well enough will have life jackets on. Guides also have up-to-date knowledge about lifesaving and CPR.

Children at a Kollo camp are covered by Stockholms stad's accident insurance for the duration of their stay. 

If your child needs additional support in other situations, it may also be needed at summer camp. If you would like to apply for extra support for your child, or if you have any questions, you are welcome to get in touch with the contact centre, where staff are prepared to answer questions.

Contact centre 
Email: kollo@stockholm.se
Telephone: 08-508 00 508

Further questions

There are additional frequently asked questions on the Frågor och svar om kollo page (in Swedish).
